News website critically neccessary to freedom of press is at risk of discontinuing appropriate coverage of the UNFOLDING EXTRATERRESTRIAL CONTACT DISCLOSURE PROCESS. Your vote in their poll could prevent the loss of this highly respected publisher from among the growing ranks of REAL NEWS SOURCES.
This News Source carries one of the highest percentages of cutting edge news and commentary on the CONTACT DISCLOSURE subject. This affects everyone within and without this field of human exploration and experience. Your immediate action is needed on this!
From: Exopolitics <>Subject: [exopolitics_institute] New Poll on OpEdNews on extraterrestrial life and UFOsTo: "Exopolitics Institute" <>, "Exopolitics Institute News" <>,
Date: Sunday, May 11, 2008, 10:11 AM
Hello all, I invite you to vote in the following poll which debates whether progressive liberal websites like OpEdNews should incorporate articles on UFOs/extraterrestri als. Over the last several months, the editors at OpEdNews has allowed a number of groundbreaking articles on ET/UFO to appear. This has been very helpful in broadening the debate on ET life and bringing in fresh perspectives. There are those however that wish to ban or relegate such articles to a side page on OpEdNews, so it's important to participate and state your opinion. The poll is taking place here:
If you post a comment, please be sure to make it succinct and respectful.
Michael Salla, Ph.D.
Happy Mothers Day!
I cooked oatmeal with dried cranberries and fresh sliced pears, with slivered almonds on top and even boiled water for tea-- my major kitchen project for the year, beyond fried eggs and hamburgers. How about you? What did you do? Click here to add YOUR comment.
Poll: UFO and Exterrestrial Articles on OpEdNews?
I'd like to see a big response to this poll. Please click on the link above to vote.
The original vision for OpEdNews was to create an online site that covered the wide range of topics daily newspapers and weekly newsmagazines cover. Lately, we've had some of our members comment on our publishing articles on UFOs and extraterrestrials, suggesting they diminish our credibility. OTOH, some of the articles have brought thousands of readers to the site. What do you think? Please leave your comments on this. UFO stories are too woowoo and decrease our credibility. We should not publish them.
UFO stories are too woowoo and decrease our credibility, but they’re interesting and bring in readers who will read our political articles. We should put them on an inside page, without linking to them from the front page.
UFO stories are an interesting addition to the mix and fit with the OEN philosophy of being open to the widest range of ideas. Don’t change anything.
Since part of the mission of OEN is to reach new people, not just "members of the progressive choir," including non-political articles that draw new readers is a good thing,.
OEN should just focus on politics and progressive issues
Or click here: UFO and Exterrestrial Articles on OpEdNews?[/url]
Doing OpEdNews and Surviving.?
Last year, because I stopped running the conferences I ran for 15 years, so I could devote full time and attention to OpEdNews (usually 12-15 hours a day, seven days a week) my income dropped to the lowest it's been in decades. Decades! I took about $4000 in pay from OEN last year and this year, I really need to take at least $1500 to $2000 a month in pay from OEN. With a home, three kids (two in college and one heading back) and two dogs, believe me, I just barely get by every month. That pay does not include the costs for the website's private dedicated server and part time webmaster. Anyone who knows what I pay for them agrees the prices are very, very reasonable (some have offered to help with lower rates and what we're currently paying is lower.)
The bottom line is that I am now depending upon contributions to OpEdNews to pay my basic bills, to support my kids and there's not much left over. I have hope and faith that things will get better-- that we'll eventually land some foundation grants, that, as we grow, our contributions will rise. But for now, OEN and I are dependent upon you, our members to fund what we're doing. There are days when I seriously consider cutting way back and going for a salaried job. I don't want to do it. I love what I do here but I have to pay the bills. That means I need to raise money through contributions. That's where you come in. Last year, with an average of about 11,500 subscribers, we received about 1200 contributions. About 15-20% of them were from people who contributed monthly or at least more than once. Now, we have about 13,750 daily subscribers. It helps. We need to see 4-5 contributions averaging $38 each, every day to stay even. It's not a lot. It adds up to about 1680 contributions. I expect, by the end of the year, we'll at between 16,000 and 18,000 subscribers. So, the target, will represent about the same percentage of supporters as last year.
I know the economy is tough. I know you're going to want to support your candidates with contributions. But I also hope you'll see that support for what we do is a worthwhile investment, because if you don't think that, we're in trouble. The best thing you can do is to sign up for a monthly, authomatic contribution- - whether it's $5 or $100 or $700. We'll take all any or all of the above. If you're satisfied with Lou Dobbs, Chris Matthews, Wolf Blitzer and Joe Scarborough- -- forget about OpEdNews. But we're doing what we can to cover the news, to do the analysis and to provide the forum that you don't get ANYWHERE else. So please, make a contribution today, and, if you can, set up a monthly contribution. Click here to do it today.
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[b]rob kall [/b]
(Press Release – Article by Ed Komarek)
Operation Right To Know (ORTK) is an activist grassroots UFO/ET
7 years ago
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