A friend recently asked me why deep insiders to UFO and Extraterrestrial Contact would bother (what purpose would they have) to come forward. He wanted my opinion based on years of exposure to the idea, not a long list of bits of evidence heaped in a pile from which he would have to discern motive.
Please keep in mind that in reality I'm just an average nobody. But I also have been paying attention, unlike most couch potatoes out there, and so this is equally about why it should matter to everyone else on this peculiar little piece of planetary real estate too...
The potential for a terrible tragedy is unfolding on a little backwater planet the inhabitants have quaintly named Earth. Yeah that one over there the third rock from the sun...but wow, what a pretty place...
and this was my response:
The purpose is exactly what you and I have been discussing setting up. To move irregardless of if the pro-disclosure insider groups can get cooperation from the non-disclosure groups. This ties in to what Ed is saying and F. (researcher) & J. (researcher) too from the contactees, that ETs are putting pressure on humanity to wake up and the groups to disclose. The ETs are trying a more direct route via obviousness of presence and direct physical contact with able average people (Joe types).
The pro-disclosure insider groups (military, industrial complex, etc) are in need of I think leverage would be a good term. They are in need of average people such as ourselves to move so that the non-disclosure groups are essentially backed into a corner where they or at least the majority of the fence-sitters must choose disclosure. This is a fine line to walk because in order for ET to stay here willingly, as a source mentioned on the OM Forum 'UN Meeting' thread
there must be primarily of all the reasons a concerted effort (by humanity) to get the population growth under control and at a sustainable level for the planet within 3 generations.
The non-disclosure groups are non-disclosure to begin with for self-serving reasons. They currently control the ptb (powers that be). They have multiple weapons of mass destruction types under their control with which they could use to cull the herd and are not afraid to push the button. They are only thinking of what they would gain from continued contact with ET perhaps even 100 years from now. These non-disclosure groups want what they want now not later. So you see this situation is worse than the cold war era ever was by far. Because the power structure has more to gain in its eyes by using nukes and other such weapons to remove 3 mil or more people quickly...
trouble is that ET has said they will under no uncertain circumstances tolerate this and they will go away if such are used...
but they have also left a back door of returning in 100 years.
This encourages the non-disclosure groups.
It is in the best interest of the pro-disclosure insiders to fight for disclosure because it would prevent such a holocaust and assist in returning control to the publicly elected officials. They (many), especially in the lower ranks, are ethical & honorable people caught up in a nightmare which once in you are not allowed out; not alive anyway. Those getting into it had/have no idea what is involved until there because of the 'need to know' issue.
This power structure is what allows a subordinate officer in the military or industrial complex enterprise to have greater power and control than their immediate superiors. In other words the visible people in control are not necessarily party to anything to do with contact, technology or other associated things. They are often clueless. It would not be an easy fight when you have no idea who is friend and who is foe. It is part of how the ptb maintains control. The different groups have virtually no contact with each other.
No idea who is friend who is foe. This started 60 plus years ago. Eisenhower warned about the military-industrial complex that it (the Contact controlers) had gotten out of control. He said at the end of his term, he no longer had the reins.
Back to current...there is something more going on behind the scenes. My understanding of this is fuzzy yet. Not enough to even make a partial shot at it. I can FEEL it though if that makes any sense. This sense is the same way I have managed to escape ever getting a ticket for speeding, lol. I'm not a saint behind the wheel! So it does work and so does synchronicity...this is everywhere at this time for whatever it is worth.
We have a job to do. We must sensibly, cautiously, and steadily manage to do the impossible while creating the least amount of damage to human civilization. This must be done soon or we may as well do our best to hide on a world too populated to hide in, that uses technology that makes hiding impossible! We must turn this table around because it is leading only to self-destruction and this is per many people, not just me. We are here in the right place at the right time. (That mean you too dear reader.) As long as we draw breath our future is still ours to choose but the road will not be easy or pretty. Disclosure is the key.
(Press Release – Article by Ed Komarek)
Operation Right To Know (ORTK) is an activist grassroots UFO/ET
7 years ago
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