The United Kingdom has joined the growing ranks of countries releasing documents pertaining to UFOs. World wide there is a growing awareness of the existence of UFOs and that they have been here for a very long time.
We in the UFO & Contact Research Community are seeing a distinct easing of the ‘giggle-factor’ as new competent interested minds join in unison with veteran researchers to address the influx and analysis of the additional data.
Additionally, there is an increased awareness of the work involved in assisting insiders around the world who are coming forward from their respective governmental, scientific, industrial, and social positions to add their unique history and perspectives to this cumulative awareness.
Interested public participants in this new paradigm are increasingly from professional ranks like doctors, attorneys, various elected officials, techno-crats of all types, emergency assistance professionals such as firefighters, aviation specialists, and the list goes on.
We are embarking on a new journey into a perspective that humanity is but one of many intelligent entities residing in reality. This raises new questions for our civilization to consider. Questions such as how do we relate to these new possibilities? How do we conduct ourselves? How will our thoughts, words, actions, and deeds reflect us as a new member in a galactic society populated by peoples quite possibly far our seniors?
As disclosure of this reality unfolds we will have many opportunities to address these questions and make choices in relation. Will our choices reflect renegade behavior, destructive nature, unethical purposes? One researcher once observed that of the hundred or more cataloged species known to ufology through accounts recorded over the last 60 or more years that only 20 to 25 % of those known are considered to be of a malevolent type. So here is your first real consideration….do you choose that our presence in this neck of the universe increase that number? I believe it is time everyone pauses to consider just what sort of citizen we wish to be in this new context.
From here...
UK News 14 May 2008 MoD Release 'X Files' The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has released classified information on unexplained aerial sightings for the first time.The files dating back to the 1970s have been released on the National Archives' website today.
They include descriptions of alleged Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon - or Unidentified Flying Objects of 'UFOs' - and subsequent evaluations of reports.Up to now, independent experts have concluded that there are logical explanations behind alleged UFO reports, such as aircraft or natural phenomena.
The MoD examines UFO reports to determine whether they could be aircraft illegally in UK airspace.According to a Question & Answer brief on the report released by the National Archives, the MoD "does not doubt the genuineness of many people's interest in UFOs. However, it states that the MoD's own interest is limited to the "defence aspect".
The MoD believes that their investigations are necessary as "the maintenance of the integrity of UK air space requires that the Ministry of Defence should be satisfied that any UFO is not an intruding aircraft".
The Government does not consider that there is any justification for the expenditure of public money on a study of UFOs.In the report, sightings are recorded at many RAF stations such as RAF Binbrook, RAF Staxton Wold and RAF Manston. It is recorded that UFO's have been sighted with the naked eye "hovering over houses in Eastern Avenue North, Northampton" and one such object had "red flashing lights on the top". It is also recorded that another object was "round in shape" and "colours varied between electric blue, green, red, orange and deep purple.
In a draft of a closing address in a UFO Debate in The Lords, it states: "Intelligent life could exist elsewhere in the universe. With 100,000 millions stars in our own galaxy alone, it is probable that there are many planets capable of supporting life." But, the draft also added "even at the speed of light, it would take four years to reach the nearest star, and 100,000 years to cross our galaxy". It concluded however "ufology may be a pleasant fantasy but has nothing to do with the truth".
Nick Pope, former UFO investigator at the Ministry of Defence and now independent expert on the unexplained has said that it is "interesting" that people have seen UFOs in built-up areas, not just desolate areas. However he said that the most common explanations for UFOs were "aircraft lights, bright stars and planets".
Doctor David Clarke, an expert in UFO history said that conspiracy theories about aliens were "hard to disprove".
Director of Investigations at The British UFO Research Association, (BUFORA) Gloria Dixon, said: "It is crucial that we explore the way in which perceptions and beliefs influence how people observe things and to understand the inaccuracy of most observations of lights and objects that people perceive to be UFOs."
BUFORA has reported that an alleged secret meeting took place at the United Nations (UN) to discuss imminent alien disclosure in February. For now though, there is no solid evidence to prove alien life exists, but maybe the truth is out there.
(Press Release – Article by Ed Komarek)
Operation Right To Know (ORTK) is an activist grassroots UFO/ET
7 years ago
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